
Mind Mapping

You are the result of a very complicated puzzle, consisting of thousands and thousands of pieces, and youโ€™re only half-assembled. Humans are completely exceptional creatures. Every pience of human is totaly different from another one .Like seasons humans are containing different shades or we can say different flavours. A very difficult subject in the world… Continue reading Mind Mapping


Visit people’s mind ๐Ÿ•Š๏ธ

I wanna go visit people's mindsTo see how they cope up with issuesHow they manage to be happy and sadAt the same time;Why do they become so rude at timesWhy do they console when they hurt themselvesHow they laugh when they commit usual mistakesWhat are the things that make them fight withinHow they tackle their… Continue reading Visit people’s mind ๐Ÿ•Š๏ธ